We Appreciate Your Support

Ansari Qadiri Rifai Tariqa relies on the generous donations of members and friends to support our work in the world. Due to such generosity, we were able to build our Center in New York, and we rely on donations to enable maintenance and daily operation of the Center and grounds, projects and improvements related to sustainability and visitor accommodations, and helping the needy in our community. AQRT thanks you for your help in our efforts to bring peace, love and togetherness to all beings.
Ansari Qadiri Rifai Tariqa is a registered nonprofit religious organization. All contributions are tax-deductible.
General Donation
Zakat Donation
Tithe donation
When you donate through Paypal, you have the option to leave instructions specifying how you would lke your donation to be utilized, e.g, Center maintenance, zakat, or other. No specification is necessary, however. Murids may specify their donation as tithing. Alternative methods of donating, such as via check, are available. Please contact our office at aqrtsufi@gmail.com if you have questions.